Friday, September 9, 2016

Cutting the High Cost of Solar Power.

At the moment, the cost of generating power with the use of bulky Solar Panels are not within realistic means to a family on a strict budget.  While it it may true that it will pay back the cost in time.  The initial cost of installing what one reaslly needs is way beyond reach.  It can only become possible to some through government loans or other private financing institutions. Maybe it could helpl alot to know and undertand how they are made and assembled.  To gain some knowledge this link may give one ample knowledge on how it works and how one can acquire it the most inexpensive manner. This link Green Energy Books and Videos
offers more knowledge about green power sources. More knowledge about it give us more options enabling us to make wiser decision. So why not check with this link to find out.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Home base Drug Rehab Program.

For 3 years now me and my wife have been struggling to win back a loved one addicted by drug.
We have inquired from almost all whom we have learned to have enslaved by it.  Oh how terrible their lives have been. And not only them that suffers but also affects their closest members of their families.

It is a heart wrecking situation for a family with 1 member at it.  Even the person with the hardest heart will experience the tears flowing down their cheeks.  Even the matured christian who teaches and believes in the subject of Faith in God, sometimes comes to the point of questioning God when will He answer our prayers. And in my continued seeking I have found this, which I will give a try.  I have in my long search for a program that is lesser that the long rehab that is rather low in its success rating.  Should you have the same problem.  Please join me in clicking this link below.  And may it be that we will be partners in getting our loved one have their lives back. to start please click the link below:
Click Here!

I have come across many blogs about drugs effect on the physical body and the damage it creates in the brain.  I have researched on natural detoxification and the body workouts recommended to and even come across studies about "alert pills" particularly modafinil which is believed to counter the damage cause by the drug.  And it is so sad that our subject is not willing and cooperative enough to participate in this quest to unshackle him from the substance craving effect.

My last recourse before I will be compelled to surrender him for long term rehab(12 months) is this program being introduced on this link below... Click Here!

After which, I will just lay this borden unto the Lord.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

If only!: If only Fiesta Parades be Taken out of Main Roads

If only!: If only Fiesta Parades be Taken out of Main Roads

If only!: Aging in Grace.

If only!: Aging in Grace.

Aging in Grace.

Before I continue further with my blog, I would like to make clarification on the word  “Grace” here.

Merriam-Webster  has these to say:
  1. A way of moving that is smooth and attractive and that is not stiff or   awkward.
2.  A controlled, polite, and pleasant way of behaving.
3.  graces : skills that are needed for behaving in a polite way in social  situations
So by its meaning, it connotes that, efforts on the part of the person is required to live in  grace. Which can be acquired, can be developed and can also be just acted temporarily.  Usually this grace breeds pride.

But as proclaimed and taught in the bible, Grace is given by God to persons who do not  even deserve to have it. 

So what I mean by “Aging in Grace is not being able to live in a controlled polite, well-behaved and most pleasant way of living, because honestly in my frailty being a senior   citizen, we tend to be more sensitive.  We may be more irritable that when we were   younger. 
So in short, what I mean in “Aging in Grace” is living by God’s grace.   
   Act 20:24  But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear   unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have   received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God. 
God the Father is the Fountain of all these grace, And the only channel that can make us receive this Grace is through His Son Jesus Christ.  Saint Paul made this statement when he face resistance from the religious Jews, and the Greeks branded this    teachings as foolishness.
 This Grace was provided by God to men to enable them to live beyond their limitations, Giving men the liberty to do good, and freedom from the bondage of sin.  And it is     possible through one channel only and that is Christ Jesus. By repenting of our sins and accepting Jesus  into our hearts as our Lord and Savior, we become a recipient of the Father's Grace.

May the Grace of God be unto you all!